Lindsay Family | Daniels Park

Posted in news on April 27, 2011

The Lindsay’s Story : Told by Megan (cute gal in the middle of the photo below!)

My mom was diagosed with Brain Cancer in Feb 2009. The doctors told her she only had 15months…….   
She went through surgery, radiation, and chemo and passed that 15month mark with flying colors. The tumor then came back this past January 2011. She is currently going through another round of radiation and chemotherapy and is a huge trooper about it. Throughout this whole journey, through the tears and the pain, God is showing us Blessings. He is continually reminding us that no matter how hard things are, He still loves us. And because of that, we will praise him in this storm. And…as my family likes to say…we’ll just deal!
I have known Megan, her mom, and the rest of her sweet family for a few years now.  Just look at the picture below  – I am encouraged.  This is a family who loves eachother, who has stood together, and most of all – they love Jesus.  I hope you join me to pray Blessing over this family.


Been playing with a new action I got recently………love this image.