Our friends
Posted in news on October 18, 2011
The story of this friendship goes back about 3 years……… Bryndi decides she should be a photographer – enrolls at the Art Institute of Colorado. First class has a creepy teacher. Sits next to girl who wears free people clothing. Girl who wears free people clothing agrees that teacher is, indeed, creepy. Her name is Erika. Bryndi and Erika become friends. Husbands meet and don’t hate eachother. His name is Derek. Bryndi’s child loves all Erika’s animals. Erika tells Bryndi they are expecting!! Erika tells Bryndi they are moving back to California. Sad day. Derek and Erika experience heartache. Bryndi drags husband to California. Bryndi and husband think – “hey – we could live here!” 2 months later my good husband flys to California to bring my free people lovin friend, her husband, and baby Claire home to Colorado – not really them – more like their stuff. And they live in Fort Collins – which is too far away from Denver. And we get to go down the road of being photographers together. I am so thankful we had that same creepy teacher 3 years ago. We are who we are today because of him. That’s kinda creepy. And check out our session that Erika did this past summer! http://www.beafreebird.com/fort-collins-photography/family-photography/the-schult-family/ xx